Saturday, April 10, 2010

Psychotronic Cinema # 1 - Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks

Psychotronic Cinema was a program that I made that attempted to produce a show in the spirit of an old late night television movie show featuring some of wildest movies ever made. However this is the only episode that was produced.

Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks A 1974 Italian horror throwaway,
"Freaks" concerns the 19th century dastardly deeds and bathing privileges at the castle of Count Frankenstein. I must admit, even in heavily edited form, the films of MST and Cinematic Titanic have always been easy enough to follow; however, "Freaks" eluded my ability to detect any hint of a plot. The picture isn't shy to roll out an outlandish cornucopia of the titular population, extending to a scheming dwarf, hunchbacks, nubile women, and a hulking surgical nightmare named Goliath (cursed with a "botched bris" for a head). There's even a Neanderthal roaming around the film, and his name is, no joke, Ook. Overall, it's a mishmash of heavily dubbed gothic personalities and ghastly acting, putting a sluggish twist on the indefatigable "Frankenstein" legacy.


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